
Did Paul Wall Grow Up In The Ghetto?

did paul wall grow up in the ghetto?

Do I have the right to cast my one precious vote for the kind of country I want without being called names?

I was added to this glorious FaceBook page, "Baby Boomers 4 Obama," without my permission.

Now on this page I am told anyone who has the audacity to cast their vote for the kind of country they want is now considered a "spoiler."

This is an interesting point of view in a country boasting to the world that it is the greatest bastion of democracy where each and every vote is "dear" and "precious."

But, Democrats not happy with Obama could just as easily cast their votes for Jill Stein, thereby unifying the liberal, progressive and left vote bringing Jill Stein to the White House instead of Obama or Romney whose major distinguishing difference is that Romney is a vulture capitalist and Obama represents the venture Capitalists from the Wall Street crowd as we can see from his "bundlers." Oh, wait! A venture capitalist is a vulture capitalist! No difference at all there.

More to the point. Obama could just do those things he built his campaign around and then there would be no reason for voters to be in this quandary as to who they should vote for. Isn't this a new and novel concept?

In the meantime as Obama carries out his Wall Street agenda of wars, murder and mayhem abroad while sticking it to U.S.
tax-payers to pick up the tab, as we get austerity measures shoved down our throats with food prices, electricity and home heating fuels soaring as the robbery at the gas pumps continues unabated; home foreclosures mounting with no end in sight and no prosecutions nor jailing of these Wall Street perpetrators of their crimes that victimize millions of families; college and university tuitions rising in an unending upwards spiral; with police violence and repression shown every night on the news as Obama has eroded our most basic and fundamental Constitutional Rights protected by what is left of the Bill of Rights--- have I left out any reason why people might be thinking of voting for a real progressive like Jill Stein?

Oh, yes; I forgot the bailouts of the bankers and auto industry and the "Health Insurance and Pharmaceutical Industry Bailout and Profit Maximization Act of 2010" that we got from Obama instead of the single-payer universal health care system Obama said he was for in order to win the 2008 Primary Election.

Did I leave anything else out?

By golly I did. Obama has refused to enforce Affirmative Action in the billions of dollars of from his "stimulus funding" with unemployment among people of color, women and the handicapped soaring out of sight more rapidly than food prices in the super-market.

Now, do any of you Obama sock-puppets worried about a
"split vote" from "spoilers" want to provide me with your list of 244 reasons to re-elect this Wall Street charlatan who makes Elmer Gantry look like a Tibetan monk?  

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