disadvantages of nuclear power

Disadvantages Of Nuclear Energy. Nuclear energy is a significant source of power. Nuclear energy is powered by uranium. Nuclear power plant produce more power per unit weight of nuclear fuel than other conventional energy source.

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P.I.H. Cooke

It can said if we switch a plenty of uranium to other fuel cycles, that is enough to last for long time. Beside that, nuclear energy does not release any emission into the atmosphere that contribute to global warming like fossil burning plant.

However, it is perceived as a dangerous technology. People concern about the disadvantages of this energy, and nuclear energy safety is the primary disadvantages.

This reaction will make water becomes radioactive because of the fission. It takes long time for radioactive material to become safely. To prevent contamination living thing, the waste need storage safely like sealed and buried in safe location.

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They have to disposed in a secured nuclear waste disposal system. The radiation in high level is very dangerous to people, animal and the environment. This has bad effect to living thing such as deformation, disease and death. Naturally nobody want a nuclear waste dump in their live area.

The accident due to core meltdown happen when core overheat that allowed radiation product to released then radioactive material contaminated surrounding area. It become distributed within the environment for over hundred miles and for long time will remain and contaminated that environment.

One of the disadvantages of nuclear energy is cost. The cost for build a nuclear power plant between three and five billion dollars, a high cost must be sent on safety system during maintenance and operation of this power plant.

Another disadvantages of nuclear reactor can also be used for producing plutonium which can be used to make nuclear weapon. A nuclear reactor is capable of making enough plutonium to produce some nuclear weapon every year. Because of that, nuclear plant must be secured well enough to prevent its happen.

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