What Is The Best Cold Medicine
what is the best cold medicine
Strategies To Naturally Fight Cold & Flu
Congestion and Mucus Treatment
Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine Effervescent Tablets, Sparkling Original, 36-Count Boxes (Pack of 3)Learn more
One of the best natural cold remedies is to eat the right foods when you feel a cold coming on. Foods high in the necessary vitamins and minerals can sometimes stop the infection all together if taken in the earliest stages of some colds.NO TIME FOR COLDS TABS LEMON Size 18
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Eat lots of other fresh fruits and vegetables which are high in Vitamin A, B and C such as bananas, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, strawberries and other natural energy boosters. Also, herbal teas and warm fruit juices will encourage the body to fight colds more effectively. Avoid mucus producing foods especially milk and other dairy products. Also, pastries, cakes and other refined carbohydrates can cause more harm than good during this time. And most importantly, as always stay hydrated with plenty of natural juices such as grapefruit and or orange juice. And don't forget to drink plenty of water.
Super foodsA regular intake of garlic is especially useful in increasing resistance to respiratory infections and colds. Garlic is most useful when eaten raw. To avoid the smell and taste of raw garlic, you can also take the capsules, even though they may not be as powerful as the natural raw product. To really give your immune system a boost, boil some ginger and add some cinnamon for taste. Drink as a warm tea to fight your cold and symptoms.
You don't always have to go out to buy medicine and drugs to treat cold and flu symptoms. Natural cold remedies can in some cases be just as good. Also, you are boosting your immune system to prevent and fight colds and infection in the future. As always, if your cold becomes worse, it's always best to seek the advice of a physician. But as a first remedy, give these tips a try.
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